Fujitsu RA4 relay

Status: Obsolete


Four pole telecom / signal relay, polarised, 4 pole changeover / 4 Form C / 4PDT

Product details

The  RA4 relay was manufactured by Fujitsu, a relay which became a popular version of the classic telecomms. DS4E type small signal relays. This relay has not been manufactured for many years. it is obsolete and very difficult to source.

The original datasheet for the Fujitsu RA4 relay is available to be downloaded below.

Coil Voltages

Originally manufactured in coil voltages ranging from  1.5V to 48V dc, the most popular coil voltages used at the time in the telecomms and control industries were 5V, 12V and 24V

Cephos Alternatives

Technical data and specification

Max. Sw. Power

Max. Sw. Voltage

Max. Sw. Current


Low Coil Power

24W /60VA

250Vac, 220Vdc


Au overlay (Ag/Pd)


Original RA4 relay dimensions

Fujitsu RA4 datasheet

Datasheet detailing the original RA4 relay operating data

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